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75 days. F1 Hybrid.


Bodacious Sweet Corn is a sugary-enhanced hybrid sweet corn variety that has quickly become a favorite of home gardeners and market farmers.

Plant grows to about 7 feet tall and produces large, 8 inch long ears packed with buttery-yellow kernels that are sweet and creamy.

Stays tender over a longer period than most other corn varieties and maintains its sweetness for up to 10 days after harvest.

Strong resistance to Stewart's Wilt, Rust, and Dwarf Maize Mosaic Virus.

Bodacious Corn

SKU: CR008
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 3 to 12
    Light Requirement: Full Sun
    Soil Type: Fertile, well-drained
    Sow Depth: 1 inch
    Plant Spacing: 8 to 12 inches in blocks or short rows
    Germination Temp: 60°F to 90°F
    Germination Time: 5 to 6 days
    Maturation: 75 days
  • Growing Tips

    Direct sow about one week after the last spring frost or when soil temperatures are consistently above 60 degrees F. Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 8 to 12 inches apart in blocks or short rows to ensure good pollination. Germination should occur within 5 to 6 days.

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