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Ocimum basilicum. 90 days. Open-pollinated.


Clove Scented Basil is an heirloom basil variety native to tropical Africa and Asia.

Plant grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches with 4 inch long, aromatic leaves that smell of cloves, thyme, and cinnamon.

Clusters of small, pinkish-white flowers will bloom if the plant is left to bolt and are a favorite of bees, butterflies, and other beneficial pollinators.

Excellent for flavoring food and tea, or for use as a sweet-smelling ornamental in a butterfly garden!

Clove Scented Basil

SKU: HB008
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 3 to 12
    Light Requirement: Full sun
    Soil Type: Rich, moist, well-drained
    Sow Depth: 1/4 inch
    Plant Spacing: 15 to 18 inches
    Germination Temp: 70°F or higher
    Germination Time: 7 to 14 days
    Maturation: 90 days
  • Growing Tips

    Direct sow when soil temperatures have warmed and there is no longer any danger of frost. Plant seeds 1/4 inch beneath the soil and thin to one plant every 15 to 18 inches once the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves.

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