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Eryngium foetidum. 90 days. Open-pollinated.


Culantro is an open-pollinated herb native to Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Plants grow to about 20 inches tall and produce long, sawtooth-edged leaves that smell strongly of cilantro with a similar, stronger flavor.


SKU: HB002
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 8 to 12
    Light Requirement: Full to partial sun
    Soil Type: Sandy loam, well drained
    Sow Depth: Surface
    Plant Spacing: 8 to 12 inches
    Germination Temp: 70°F to 80°F
    Germination Time: 14 to 28 days
    Maturation: 90 days
  • Growing Tips

    Start indoors 2 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Sow seeds on the soil's surface, gently tamping them into the soil. Keep soil moist and warm, and allow up to 25 days for germination.

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