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Pycnanthemum incanum.


Hoary Mountain Mint is a perennial wildflower native to the eastern United States where it can often be found growing in open woods and thickets, on hill sides and in old fields, and along the edges and clearings of woodlands.

The silvery-white plant grows to about 3 feet in height and produces large, white to deep purple flowers that bloom from July through September and are a favorite of bees, butterflies, and other beneficial pollinators.

Easily spreads to form small colonies, making it a great choice for larger gardens or meadow/prairie plantings.

Hoary Mountain Mint

SKU: NW032
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9
    Light Requirement: Full to partial sun
    Soil Type: Rich, moist to dry
    Sow Depth: Surface
    Plant Spacing: 18 to 24 inches
    Germination Temp: 65°F to 70°F
    Germination Time: 20 to 30 days
    Bloom Time: July through September
  • Growing Tips

    Direct sow in early spring by lightly pressing the seeds into the soil's surface. If starting indoors, sow seeds in flats, keeping the soil moist and at a temperature around 70 degrees F until germination.

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