Levisticum officinale. 70 days. Open-pollinated.
Lovage is an easy to grow perennial plant that produces glossy, dark green leaves that have a bright, fresh flavor similar to citrusy celery.
An ancient herb native to southern Europe, it could be found in most kitchen gardens during the Middle Ages for use in both cooking and for medicinal purposes in the treatment of digestive problems.
All parts of the Lovage plant are edible, with the roots commonly used as a vegetable and the leaves and stems as a seasoning for soups, stews, and potatoes. The seeds can even be ground and used as a spice!
Grows to between 5 and 8 feet in height, and easily self seeds. Trim back during the winter months when the plant is dormant and enjoy its return come spring!
Growth Chart
Hardiness Zones: 3 to 12 Light Requirement: Full sun Soil Type: Sandy, loamy, well drained Sow Depth: 1/4 inch Plant Spacing: 24 to 36 inches Germination Temp: 60°F Germination Time: 10 to 14 days Maturation: 90 days Growing Tips
Direct sow in late fall, or start indoors in early spring. If starting indoors, sow seeds 1/4 inch deep in individual pots, 3 to 4 seeds per pot. Keep soil moist until germination, which should occur within 10 to 14 days. Transplant seedlings outdoors once they are several inches tall and there's no longer a danger of frost.