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55 days. Open-pollinated.


An All-America Selections winner in 1988, Red Burgundy Okra is a favorite of home gardeners not only for its tender and delicious pods, but also for its beautiful crimson color and gorgeous yellow flowers which are irresistible to bees.

Productive plant produces tender, magenta-colored pods that grow 6 to 8 inches long.
Use in the kitchen for soups, stews, gumbos, and stir-fries, or simply as an ornamental plant to brighten up your garden.

Red Burgundy Okra

SKU: OK001
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 9 to 12
    Light Requirement: Full sun
    Soil Type: Sandy loam, well drained
    Sow Depth: 1/2 to 1 inch
    Plant Spacing: 24 to 36 inches
    Germination Temp: 80°F to 90°F
    Germination Time: 2 to 12 days
    Maturation: 55 days
  • Growing Tips

    Okra seeds can be started indoors or direct sown.

    If starting indoors, soak the seeds in water for 12 to 18 hours prior to planting. This will soften the outer shell of the seed and help speed up germination.

    Select the soil and container in which to start your seeds. For soil, use a seed starting mix for the best results. You may also use a soil-less potting mix, which is cheaper and widely available at most garden centers. For the container, use cell rays or a small pot 2 inches tall.

    Fill your container with potting mix to within 1/2 inch of the top.

    Place two seeds on top of the soil near the center of the container and cover with 1/4 inch of soil. When your seedlings reach 2 inches in height, thin to one seed per cell/pot.

    Cover pots with plastic or a seeding dome to increase humidity and raise the temperature of the soil. Okra germinate best when the soil temperature in between 80-90°F, so consider using a heating mat to provide them with the necessary warmth.

    Place your trays/pots in a sunny location or beneath a grow light, and sprinkle or mist with water whenever the top of layer of soil appears dry. Be careful not to overwater! Soggy soil may cause the seeds to rot.

    Remove the plastic or seed dome from the the pot/trays once the seedlings have germinated. When seedlings reach about 3 inches in height you may transplant them into your garden assuming temperatures are warm.

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