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Cleome serrulata.


Rocky Mountain Bee Plant is an annual wildflower native to North America where it can often be found growing in prairies, open woodlands, and disturbed areas. 

Plant grows to around 1 to 3 feet in height with slender, branching stems and compounded, serrated leaves that gives the plant its species name "serrulata."  Showy, globe-shaped flowers, which are typically pink to lavender in color, bloom from late spring to early fall. 


The nectar-rich blossoms attract hummingbirds, bees, and other beneficial pollinators, while the seeds are an important food source for doves and other small birds. 


Native Americans utilized the plant for both food and medicinal purposes, as well as for making dyes for blankets and pottery.


The seeds were eaten either raw or cooked, or dried and ground into a meal to be eaten as a mush or mixed with flour to make bread. 


A tea brewed from the stems and leaves was used to treat fevers and stomach disorders, while a poultice made from the soaked, pounded leaves was used to treat sore eyes. The leaves were also made into a decoction and used as a body and shoe deodorant.

Rocky Mountain Bee Plant

SKU: NW072
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 3 to 10
    Light Requirement: Full sun
    Soil Type: Sandy, loamy, well-drained
    Sow Depth: Surface
    Plant Spacing: 12 to 24 inches
    Germination Note: Cold stratification required
    Stratification Time: 30 days
    Bloom Time: July through August
  • Growing Tips

    Direct sow in late fall by planting on the soil's surface, as the seeds require light to grow. For spring planting, mix seeds with moist sand and store in refrigerator for 30 days before planting.

    To start indoors, sow seeds 6-8 weeks before the last expected spring frost. Provide light and keep soil moist until germination. Transplant once the danger of frost has passed.

  • A Note on Cold Stratification

    These seeds require cold, moist stratification. To naturally stratify the seeds, plant outdoors late fall on a weed-free site and allow seeds to overwinter. 


    To artificially stratify the seeds, place the seeds and a moist medium (such as a damp paper towel, coffee filter, sand, or vermiculite) in a labeled, sealed plastic bag and store in a refrigerator (33-40°F) for the amount of time noted on the growth chart before sowing. 

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