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Lagenaria siceraria. 85 to 125 days. Open-pollinated.


This eclectic mix of small gourds is easy to grow and a great way to brighten up your home or business with a little autumn flair.

Gourds will grow into many shapes (round, oblong, cylindrical), colors (white, green, orange, yellow, striped), and textures (smooth, warty, ridged).

A perfect choice for anyone who can't make up their mind on which gourd seeds to plant in their garden this season!

Small Mixed Gourds

SKU: GD004
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 3 to 12
    Light Requirement: Full sun
    Soil Type: Rich, well-drained
    Sow Depth: 1 inch
    Plant Spacing: 36 to  60 inches
    Germination Temp: 70ºF or higher
    Germination Time: 7 to 14 days
    Maturation: Varied (85 to 125 days)
  • Growing Tips

    Start seeds 3 to 4 weeks before the last spring frost. Soak seeds overnight, then sow in peat pots, 2 to 3 seeds per pot. Use a heat mat to maintain a soil temperature above 70°F and thin to the strongest plants once the seedlings have obtained their first set of true leaves. Transplant outdoors once soil temperatures have warmed to at least 70°F.


    If direct sowing, wait until outdoor soil temperatures are 70°F or warmer, then plant seeds 1 inch deep in hills, 5 seeds per hill with 5 feet between hills. Thin to the strongest plants once the seedlings have obtained their first set of true leaves. 


    For Lagenaria gourds, harvest mature fruits in the fall after several freezes.


    Dry harvested gourds for 3-6 months in a moisture-free, well ventilated location. Take care not to let the gourds touch one another during drying, and check frequently for rot and mold. Mold can be wiped clean, but any rotted or soft gourds should be discarded. Drying is complete when the gourds feel light and hollow, and when the seeds can be heard rattling inside the gourd when shaken.

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