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Monarda punctata.


Spotted Bee Balm, also known as Bergamot or Horsemint, is a perennial wildflower native to the eastern regions of the United States.

A member of the mint family, this hardy plant grows to about 3 feet tall and produces rosettes of purple to pink spotted, tubular flowers on elongated spikes.


Its unique, oregano-like scent makes it a favorite of home gardeners and herbalists (who often use it to brew herbal teas), while honeybees, bumble bees, and other pollinators simply can't get enough of it!

Often used in traditional medicine as a mouthwash and antimicrobial.

Spotted Bee Balm

SKU: NW003
  • Growth Chart

    Hardiness Zones: 3 to 10
    Light Requirement: Full sun to partial shade
    Soil Type: Sandy, loam
    Sow Depth: 1/8 inch
    Plant Spacing: 18 to 24 inches
    Germination Temp: 70°F or higher
    Germination Time: 10 to 20 days
    Maturation: 1 year
  • Growing Tips

    Direct sow in early spring by lightly pressing the seeds into the surface of the soil. Keep soil moist until germination, which should occur within 10 to 20 days if soil temperatures are between 60 to 70 degrees F.

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