Ocimum basilicum. 68 days. Open-pollinated.
Cinnamon Basil is an heirloom herb originally from Mexico.
This unique basil variety has a cinnamon-like scent and a spicy-sweet flavor that is excellent in baked goods, pasta, and salads.
Plant grows to between 26 and 30 inches in height and has distinctive violet stems, veining, and flower bracts.
Lavender-colored flowers will bloom if the plant is allowed to bolt and, like the leaves, can be used in any recipe that calls for basil!
Sweet Cinnamon Basil
SKU: HB015
Growth Chart
Hardiness Zones: 3 to 12 Light Requirement: Full sun Soil Type: Rich, moist, well-drained Sow Depth: 1/4 inch Plant Spacing: 15 to 18 inches Germination Temp: 70°F or higher Germination Time: 10 to 14 days Maturation: 68 days Growing Tips
Direct sow when soil temperatures have warmed and there is no longer any danger of frost. Plant seeds 1/4 inch beneath the soil and thin to one plant every 15 to 18 inches once the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves.